Wednesday, February 17, 2010

O Boring Day, Thou Dost Deny Me Pleasure

Hey guys.

Well, today was...pretty damn boring (._.). It consisted of the following things:

1) Cleaning
2) Studying
3) Guitaring
4) Babysitting (Dx)
5) HTML (yet to come :D)

1) Cleaning

-Had to clean my room. Did that. Not much fun. Old underwear. Ew.
-Had to clean the rat cage. Did that too. No more fun than cleaning my room. Lots of lil' ratty poops. Kinda cute, still really gross.

2) Studying

-Went online to the official GED test website to do some more practice questions. Pretty simple stuff. The only thing I had the least bit of trouble with was one math problem, but after some doing I figured it out and found out it wasn't anything too serious. I'll keep up with this kind of stuff to make sure I'm prepared for the test.

-Honestly, I'm really looking forward to the essay portion of the test. I haven't written an essay in a while, so I'm probably gonna write a couple little ones. I'll post them on my dA. I'm not entirely sure what I'll write about...
You guys can tell me. (:D)

3) Guitaring

-Well, as you know from the last blog, I'm working on Eric's old stuff. But, I'm also working on my own power metal song with Tom. I'll post a little teaser when I've got something good to show you. Wish me luck, because I'm gonna need it (xD;;)

4) Babysitting
(._.) I don't even wanna talk about this. My younger siblings were horrible today.

I've got a big binder of HTML how-to's and whatnot that I'm gonna consult. I'll beef up this blog and make it something cool...and original...and stuff...we'll see what I can come up with.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll probably play some Modern Warfare 2 later on tonight. Wanna play with me? Add me. My Xbox Live Gamertag is TragicArmadillo. I'll be looking forward to your friend request.

Comment Question of the Day:

What should I write my practice essays on?

1 comment:

  1. You're in a GLBT chat on dA and I wanted to ask someone about this, actually, so I may make it a poll later but: what's your stance on gay marriage?

    The reason I'm asking such an overdone question is because we listened to a documentary last week in which a bunch of gay people were talking about how they actually were not for it because for one thing it would only benefit upper class white gay men, and for another funding for more important things like AIDS research and housing was cut in order to fund the marriage campaign. What do you think of that?
